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The Divine Canvas is You.

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Your soul is infinitely more beautiful than even the most exquisite masterpieces in the sky.

You come in as a blank canvas and are now a master in your own artistry... whether you can see it or not. Let us explore this together, and realize the art that is our human experience.  


Intuitive Session


You will be redirected to Calendly to schedule a time with me that works for you. An email will be sent once you select a time including details for payment to be completed prior to the meeting. 

If you are trying to understand the purpose of what is going on in your life, let us be reflections for one another. To truly see what has always been ours and is only ours. The answers lie in the unseen. And for most of you, much of the unseen is yourself. 

About Nevin 


Hi beautiful soul! It warms my heart to be with you now. Many of you coming to me initially are probably from the podcast I was just featured on, but I still want to give a proper(yet ambiguous) introduction for those that have not yet tuned into that or had the opportunity to meet with me one on one. 


The world I entered operated in the polar opposite nature of my open-mind and inner-child. I came into this world with an immensely powerful 'knowing' and ability 'see clearly' the often unseen that exists all around us. Due to how potent this energy was and the many factors of the environment in which I grew up in, I abruptly shut that off once entering the school system as it overwhelmed me and was my minds way of 'protecting' me from all of the forces at play. However, it never actually turned off completely. In fact, much of the growth and transcendence I have experienced is catalyzed by the numerous experiences I have had with a similar theme. Toss in a lifetime of experiencing the most extreme parts of duality(light and darkness) and you have what you see before you today :) I am eternally grateful for everything I have experienced and how it now guides me in this new adventure the universe and I are embarking on. I could not be more filled with inner-purpose and love knowing this and having you here with me now as we break down the walls we have set in place all these years and fix our gaze on the infinity that is you.


I look forward to growing with each and everyone one of you! It is an honor to have resonated with your soul and to be a safe space for your growth and expansion in however that looks for you. 


My infinite love onto you,


Nevin Fetzer


I would be honored to receive a testimonial from those who have had a session with me or know me! This is a brand new adventure for me, so you will be among the first :) 

"I had my first session with Nevin and it was beautiful!! I felt so safe and was able to just open up easily. Nevin gave me a calming energy where I was able to speak without fear of what I was going through and how I was feeling. I took away so many tools I can use everyday to help me expand and transform even more. For the first time I really feel like I know how to connect with my higher self now and am listening for those messages. I can still feel love and light from our session this past week and I can’t wait to talk to him more and see how he helps so many! Please book a session with Nevin you will be so happy and feel so much lighter and filled with love!!"


-Wendy Phillips 

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